Alcoholism is a disease characterized by alcohol dependence. It, in turn, consists of two main components: the mental and the physical. Therefore, before answering the question "How can you stop drinking alcohol on your own? ""It is important to take into account the causes and factors of the formation of addiction.
Causes of excessive alcohol consumption
- Genetic factor.Despite the fact that it exists, studies on alcohol addiction show the following statistics: the risk of developing alcoholism increases by an average of ¼ in children of alcohol-dependent parents. This allows us to claim that social and psychological factors play the main role in the development of the disease and that heredity acts as a favorable "background" that predisposes the progression of alcoholism.
- Social factorsrepresent a group of reasons and life circumstances that encourage a person to consume alcohol.
- Pressure from others - in this case, a person begins to drink "socially" in order to be indistinguishable from the rest of the team members, to maintain traditions or fit better into the team, etc. ;
- unsatisfactory or complex professional activity - a lot of time, boredom, incorrectly chosen work that does not correspond to personal needs and interests, as well as a job associated with excessive physical and mental stress, high risks and responsibilities;
- Unsatisfactory quality of life – unfavorable living conditions or unpleasant neighborhood, financial difficulties, poor nutrition, lack of stable income.
- Psychological reasonsBasically, they are an expression of an inability to adapt to the realities of life, a lack of confidence in yourself and your own strengths. They essentially consist of the following factors:
- demonstrative behavior – conscious attention from the public or a narrow circle of people;
- lack of trusting relationships, the opportunity to talk about "painful topics";
- internal inconsistency with the images of the ideal self – low self-esteem, self-accusation and self-blame;
- Impossibility of personal self-realization – lack of family, difficult relationships with parents ("I am a bad son, " etc. );
- Drinking as a means of breaking down psychological "barriers" – shyness, shyness, fear;
- Fears, phobias, increased anxiety, distrust;
- the need to relieve tension, the inability to independently overcome stress and psycho-emotional stress.
So the list of factors is quite extensive and before you look for answers on how to quit alcohol, you should understand what could have caused your alcohol addiction. However, not every drinker is ready to analyze the background of the problem and determine the cause of the addiction; In addition, over the course of the existence of alcohol, he has acquired a large number of myths that "justify" the harmful desire for the bottle. The most important ones are presented below.
Myths about alcohol
Alcohol is the best helper in the fight against disease
This is a common misconception regarding many diseases and conditions of the body. It is believed that a glass of alcohol can fight colds and hypothermia, "disinfect" the intestines, relieve headaches and lower blood pressure. Pregnant women are also allowed to consume moderate alcohol consumption from various sources - to drink a glass of red wine every now and thento raise tone, relieve stress on the cardiovascular system and improve mood. But even if alcohol temporarily stabilizes the condition, it does not help in any way to overcome the disease; moreover, it is a toxic substance and only worsens the disease. It should be borne in mind that there are no therapeutic doses, but there is always a risk of complications and the formation of a stable addiction.
Alcohol reduces stress
In fact, drinking alcohol not only does not solve problems and does not eliminate the source of stress, but also leads to new difficulties. In addition, a person forgets to relax himself, regulate his mental state and loses the ability to withstand life's difficulties. The destruction of the nervous system leads to even greater vulnerability to external factors and reduced resistance to stress, creating a vicious circle from which it becomes increasingly difficult for the drinker to get out.
Alcohol is not a drug
Despite the legality of alcohol and its general availability, the mechanism for developing addiction to it is the same as for strong narcotics. The only difference is the time period during which long-term addiction develops. Withdrawal syndrome is also slightly different, but in both cases it occurs when the body no longer receives the substance it is used to. In addition, the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction also includes the most similar stages: the detoxification process, the work of a narcologist, psychological and social rehabilitation.
Occasional drinking is normal
Events such as weddings, birthdays, funerals, company parties, etc. are always accompanied by shared alcohol consumption. However, they are not a reason to drink, but a reason to justify one's own weakness and inability to assert oneself against the majority. Traditionally, there is no direct connection between specific events and alcohol consumption; For most people, this connection can only be attributed to the example of authoritarian adults - but that does not mean that you have to blindly follow such a "tradition" and set the appropriate example for your children.
Drinking infrequently is normal
The above-mentioned peculiarities of the culture presuppose fairly frequent alcohol consumption - an abundance of holidays, solemn festivals, the traditional "Friday" before the weekend. . . Given the frequency of alcohol consumption by friends, acquaintances, etc. colleagues, it seems thata person drinks extremely rarely. As he gets used to alcohol, the personal norm changes - the person still believes that he is not subject to this habit and rarely drinks.
I drink alcohol "out of courage"
People often drink to feel safe, to decide on a certain action, to meet a nice person, or to have a spiritual conversation with friends or acquaintances. But the joy of communication does not lie in a shared alcohol intoxication - in cases where inferiority complexes, prejudices against oneself, lack of confidence in one's own attractiveness and strength do not allow the formation of social contacts, one should act deeply, work on oneself and notresort to a glass.
So we see that the real and imaginary causes of alcoholism differ significantly, which can cause confusion in a drinker. However, if he wants to overcome his craving for alcohol, he should adhere to the following tips and rules.
Tips on how to stop drinking yourself
The first and most important recommendation is a strong desire to overcome the craving for alcohol. However, for it to occur, certain conditions must be met.
The right time
Most often, the desire to give up a dangerous habit comes after a good "celebration" - a person feels so bad that he often promises not to drink alcohol anymore.
How to stop drinking alcohol when there is nothing or no one to do it for? As a rule, a convincing argument for a sober life is required.
Take care of your health
Few drinkers are aware of the harm they are doing to themselves - they know that drinking alcohol is harmful, but they don't know what exactly alcoholism means. Perhaps documentaries, articles, books about the dangers of alcohol, as well as personal negative experiences from friends can help achieve this goal.
Caring for loved ones
It is no secret that excessive alcohol consumption affects not only the addict's psyche, but also the psychological state of those around him. It is important to remember your loved ones - parents, spouses, children - it is the closest circle that often asks the question of how to convince a loved one to stop drinking. This is a good incentive to start a sober life.
The desire to maintain social status, profession and wealth
Many drinkers realize that a process of humiliation begins: the quality of work deteriorates, efficiency decreases and soon you may simply lose your job. Alcohol is also an obstacle to career development.
In fact, everyone can have their own incentive - someone has experienced a moral shock, someone is afraid of the divorce of their spouse who has categorically given an ultimatum, someone does not want to lose their moral character. You need to determine which areas of your life are most important and understand how alcohol affects them.
Accept change
It happens that the main question is not "How can I stop drinking alcohol? "", but rather "What should I do if I stop drinking alcohol? ". What to do on Friday evening? How to go fishing with friends or girlfriends for a "meeting"? What to do at a wedding or a birthday? In this case, you should remember pleasant changes – sober fun, a pleasant pastime, no need to "get sick" after celebrationsetc. , and a new lifestyle will develop naturally and easily.
Ability to relax
Learning relaxation techniques is necessary not only for those who are used to drinking due to stress, but also for everyone who is determined to get rid of addiction. Withdrawal syndrome, stress from life changes, pressure from others - all of this may require the ability to adapt properly. This can be done with:
- Meditation;
- self-massage;
- breathing exercises etc.
Some people find it helpful to simply count to 10 and breathe deeply; others need deep spiritual practices and serious exercises. You need to find something that will help you.
Exercise helps you distract from other things
Physical activity not only takes up most of the time, but also contributes to the overall health of the body, releases "happiness hormones", diversifies life and allows you to feel the joy of sobriety. This can be done through yoga, running, swimming, skiing, Horse riding etc. can be made easier.
Hobbies stimulate interest in life
For a person to realize their potential, strong family relationships and a favorite job are not enough. It's also important to do something you enjoy - creativity not only promotes relaxation, but also strengthens self-confidence and in some cases leads to success. Read books, do crafts, carve wood, write poetry, or even write your own blog, including one on the question "How to stop drinking? ""–You need to find the hidden potential within yourself and give it a way out.
Psychological work on yourself – tips for drinkers
In fact, every drinker has a whole range of psychological problems: feelings of guilt, self-doubt, embarrassment, the inability to build trusting relationships with others, a feeling of "abandonment" - just a significant part of the list of characteristic feelings and states. You need to work on this: maybe it will helpthe completion of the 12-step treatment program or psycho-counseling sessions to overcome the barriers that have arisen; perhaps you can do it yourself. However, this point is imperative, because eliminating the cause of the problem is the key to success.
Other methods of dealing with alcohol
Traditional medicine also helps in the treatment of alcoholism. It would seem, how can folk remedies help you stop drinking alcohol? However, there are several common methods used to curb alcohol cravings.
How to help yourself with a decoction?
A decoction of thyme herb causes vomiting and aversion to alcohol. 15 g of dried herb is brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, simmer for 10-15 minutes, then a little boiled water is added until the original volume is obtained. It is taken twice a day in a ratio of 50 ml/15 ml vodka.
Tea as part of alcohol addiction treatment
Ivan tea is mixed with thyme in a 5/1 ratio, brewed with boiling water and boiled for 15-20 minutes. After the tea has cooled to the desired temperature (it should not scald), a little honey is added. It should be consumed when there is a desire to drink, the permitted amount is up to 5 cups per day.
Despite the abundance of advice on how to stop drinking alcohol on your own, a small percentage of people who crave alcohol manage to do so. In most cases, for complete recovery, it is necessary to go to a drug treatment center to undergo drug treatment and then undergo social and psychological rehabilitation.